Call: +44 (0) 1793 493468

Management team

Leading a team of experts, who are experienced, passionate, and driven to deliver results.
Absolute pleasure working with i360Experience, hassle free process with service and deliverables of the highest quality. We are looking forward to seeing how the initiatives we are implementing now have paid off.

Marketing Director, Solicitors firm, Newcastle upon Tyne
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Customer Engagement
Looking to drive customer engagement and company profitability by delivering fantastic customer experiences? Let us help you.

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Employee Engagement
Looking to better engage your employees and empower them to deliver amazing customer experiences? Let us help you.

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Profit Chain Analysis
Looking to put hard figures on soft measures and uncover new and untapped sources of commercial and competitive advantage? Let us help you.

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Connect with us to get all our latest news and receive valuable insights into trends and best practive in the areas of employee and customer engagement, and service profit chain optimisation.
Andrea Collins - MBA, BA (Hons)
Co-founder and Managing Director

Tel. +44 (0) 1793 493468
Mob. +44 (0) 7500 831800
Andrea co-founded i360Experience in 2009 having spent many years assisting FTSE and Euronext companies address their customer relationship and revenue growth challenges.

Passionate about customer and employee engagement, Andrea has authored the majority of the company's research and improvement methodologies. As Managing Director she is responsible for new business development, overseeing the company’s relationships with its existing clients, and managing consultancy resource and program management.

Fluent in French and Spanish, having graduated with a BA (Hons) in Modern Languages in 1996, Andrea returned to education in 2001 to complete a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Oxford.
Jamie Clifton
Co-founder and Technical Director

Tel. +44 (0) 1793 493468
Jamie co-founded i360Experience having spent more than 15 years managing product marketing functions for some of the world's largest software companies both in the US and Europe.

As Technical Director Jamie is responsible for the company’s technical infrastructure having successfully designed and managed the build of the i360Experience platform, incorporating a highly scalable database, robust Survey Engine, feature rich Client Portal, and extensive Business Intelligence capability. Jamie is also heavily involved in the company's marketing activity and heads up the company's Partner Alliance Program.

Jamie has a BSc (Hons) in Economics and Computing Science from Manchester University. 
As the management team, our priority is to ensure our people are experts in their field, passionate about what they do, professional at all times, and driven to exceed client expectations time after time.
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