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Service Profit Chain Review

Unlock previously untapped sources of commercial and competitive advantage with our profit chain review.
Free now until 30th June 2014!

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Profit Chain Analysis
Looking to put hard figures on soft measures and uncover new and untapped sources of commercial and competitive advantage? Let us help you.

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As the phase of budget cuts and ‘having to do more with less’ continues for UK businesses, companies need to find new, low cost and low risk methods of maintaining and optimising profitability. More often than not, the means of achieving this objective already exists within the business itself, and an objective, pragmatic review of the operation or the company’s service profit chain serves to unlock opportunities to enhance performance in key areas so as to increase profitability.

i360Experience's Service Profit Chain Review

i360Experience’s service profit chain review examines your entire operation from your strategy and objectives, and internal processes, through to your employee engagement and productivity, and your customer value, satisfaction and retention. We identify areas of strength and limitation, we determine the relationship and impact of key business variables, and we theoretically break down departmental barriers to establish relationships between core business functions and processes so as to provide you with a cohesive view of your operation.

As part of the review, one of our consultants will meet with you to gain an insight into your operation, and get to grips with your goals and objectives, your company culture, your employee experience, your competitive landscape, your customer value and retention, and your primary business challenges and obstacles. As part of this assessment we may also explore any existing operational data such as customer and/or employee satisfaction results, external accreditation assessments, process maps, benchmarking and financial performance data etc.

Following this meeting, which will last between one to two hours, our consultant will prepare a custom Service Profit Chain Review report that will include the findings from your company’s assessment together with a host of best practice recommendations designed specifically to help you improve performance in those areas identified as being problematic and deliver benefits throughout the entire service profit chain so as to increase your profitability.

What is the service profit chain?

A company’s ‘service profit chain’ is essentially what links profitability to customer loyalty, employee engagement, and productivity. Think of it as a set of interdependent but related variables, when one variable is underperforming it has the power to impact the other variables. For example: if employees are dissatisfied with an element of their working environment, they can become despondent, disengaged even; their attitude towards their work can change, leading to a loss in productivity and/or the delivery of poor customer experiences; poor customer experience can result in customer defection and lost revenue opportunity.

When a company’s service profit chain is performing optimally, employees are engaged and productive, which in turn drives customer value and loyalty, and that customer loyalty and advocacy is the key determinant of sustainable competitive advantage and profitability for the company.
Engaged employees = engaged customers = sustainable profitability. Discover untapped sources of commercial and competitive advantage with a service profit chain assessment.
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