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Why i360Experience

We bring expertise, objectivity, and comparative insight to your research and operational improvement projects, reducing your risk and lowering your costs.
Anything that helps businesses to monitor and develop their customer relationships is extremely valuable. Feedback from clients has been incredibly positive, with many of them already addressing issues i360Experience has identified.

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Customer Engagement
Looking to drive customer engagement and company profitability by delivering fantastic customer experiences? Let us help you.

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Employee Engagement
Looking to better engage your employees and empower them to deliver amazing customer experiences? Let us help you.

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Profit Chain Analysis
Looking to put hard figures on soft measures and uncover new and untapped sources of commercial and competitive advantage? Let us help you.

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Connect with us to get all our latest news and receive valuable insights into trends and best practive in the areas of employee and customer engagement, and service profit chain optimisation.
Domain expertise and comparative insight

We live and breathe customer and employee engagement; we collate, analyse, report, and act on this kind of data day in day out. We have comparative advantage gained from undertaking ...

Quality output delivered efficiently and quickly

Research is a very serious and time consuming job; we have specialist facilities, software, equipment, and technical expertise that enables us to deliver your project quickly ...
Your resource free to focus on your business

Research and any subsequent improvement program are specialist fields and resource intensive activities. In today’s tough climate, downsizing activity is dictating that companies do more with less ...

Reduced costs whilst retaining control

Research can be an ad-hoc or seasonal activity; in which case does it really require the recruitment of permanent, specialist labour and all the cost associated with employee recruitment ...

Shared risk and a comprehensive approach

Conducting research requires the understanding of and the conforming to a number of ethical and DPA standards. Furthermore, unclear objectives, poor sample quality, and ...

Balanced and objective insight

Objectivity in research is essential if results are to depict an accurate picture of the state of play. However it can be difficult to remain objective when measuring your performance from within ...

Optimised return on investment

Obtaining quality and robust data is dependent on the researcher gaining credibility and trust with research participants, such that they are willing to take part and and be candid in their responses ...

We deliver unique insight and improvement programs to help clients optimise customer engagement and employee engagement in order to deliver sustainable competitive advantage and operational profitability.
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